Drama and Theatre Studies

In a world of film, binge worthy series and social media...is theatre still relevant? We think so! More than ever theatre provides the opportunity to explore current social issues, look back on the past to see how far we've come (and sometimes not!) and explore what it is like to be in some else's shoes. Through devised and scripted work you will develop and perform your own original theatre, taking inspiration from known theatre practitioners and companies. You will experience a wide range of live theatre to expand your knowledge of performance and its impact on an audience. You will also become familiar with the design elements of theatre such as lighting, sound and set design and how this can enhance production. It is a rich and exciting course, which not only develops you as a performer or designer, but also as a person, developing skills such as presentation, problem solving, independence and collaboration - vital skills for your next steps...whatever that may be.

Qualification – A Level

Examination Board - Eduqas

SpecificationView on the Eduqas Website

Subject Lead: Ms Greaves

Drama and Theatre provides students with the opportunity to work as either performers and/or designers on three different performances. It encourages students to make connections between dramatic theory and their own practice.  

Students explore the work of two key theatre practitioners and apply their research to their own creative output.  

Students also learn about the processes and practices involved in interpreting and performing theatre by watching and analysing live theatre.

  • The performance created for Component 1 (20% of the qualification) is internally assessed and externally moderated. In addition to the performance each student must produce a creative log which documents their creative process.  
  • The performances created for Component 2 (40% of the qualification) are externally assessed by a visiting examiner.
  • Component 3 (40% of the qualification) is assessed by written examination.

Academy Entry Requirements: A minimum of five GCSE grades 9 – 4.

"A-level Drama has been a transformative journey for me as a drama-loving student. It's where my creativity thrives, and I feel truly accepted. The supportive staff exposed me to diverse theatre texts, expanding my knowledge. Stepping into different characters' shoes is my passion. Inspiring trips and my own performances have fuelled my decision to pursue theatre as a career. Even if I choose a different path, the skills I've learned—presentation, teamwork, problem-solving, confidence, and independence—will always be invaluable."

How to apply

You can find full details on how to apply to our sixth form on the Admissions page

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